Conciertos y festivales en High Point
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Dance Circle Day Party - Two Year Anniversary!!! Guest Jihad Muhammad ++++
Sat, Feb 15, 4:00 PM
Blackbox Theater
Dance Circle Day Party - Two Year Anniversary!!! Guest Jihad Muhammad ++++
Sat, Feb 15, 4:00 PM
Blackbox Theater
R&B BiNGO Charlotte! R&B Vs Trap Bingo at POSH W/Thank You Chris
Sat, Jan 25, 7:00 PM
4845 E Independence Blvd
R&B BiNGO Charlotte! R&B Vs Trap Bingo at POSH W/Thank You Chris
Sat, Jan 25, 7:00 PM
4845 E Independence Blvd
No Anger Control with Survival Tactics, Backwash, and Megazillion
Sat, Feb 15, 10:30 PM
The Evening Muse
No Anger Control with Survival Tactics, Backwash, and Megazillion
Sat, Feb 15, 10:30 PM
The Evening Muse
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