Eventos sparks initiative en Delta, Canadá
Building Journalism Around Community
Thursday at 5:30 PM
Liu Institute for Global Issues – xʷθəθiqətəm (Place of Many Trees)
Building Journalism Around Community
Thursday at 5:30 PM
Liu Institute for Global Issues – xʷθəθiqətəm (Place of Many Trees)
35th Global Conference on Leadership and Change Management (GCLCM)
Fri, May 16, 1:00 PM
The University of British Columbia
35th Global Conference on Leadership and Change Management (GCLCM)
Fri, May 16, 1:00 PM
The University of British Columbia
3rd Global Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming (GCCCGW)
Fri, May 16, 1:00 PM
The University of British Columbia
3rd Global Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming (GCCCGW)
Fri, May 16, 1:00 PM
The University of British Columbia
Building Community-Centered Journalism in the Age of AI
Wednesday at 5:00 PM
Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House
Building Community-Centered Journalism in the Age of AI
Wednesday at 5:00 PM
Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House